A child is born
Thad Jones (1923-1986) / Arr. Sharon Harris


A child is born

Now out of the night
New as the dawn into the light
This child, innocent child,
Soft as a fawn
This child is born
One small heart
One pair of eyes
One work of art
Here in my arms
Here he lies
Trusting and warm
Blessed this morn
A child is born

(Thad Jones, 1923-1986)
Ha nascut un infant

Ara, sortint de la nit
Cap a la llum, nou com l'alba
Aquest infant, innocent infant,
Tendre com un cervatell
Ha nascut aquest infant.
Un cor petit,
Un parell d'ulls,
Una obra d'art.
Aquí als meus braços
Aquí reposa,
Confiat i càlid.
Beneïda aquesta albada.
Ha nascut un infant

(Traducció: Gustau Gallardo)


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